Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Determining The Relationship Between Extracurricular...

Determining relationship between Extracurricular Activities and Academic Performance using Computational Intelligence Tejaswini Koduri Department of Computer Science, Georgia State University tkoduri11@gsu.student.edu Abstract- Elementary school is the medium for the students to step into the professional field.The knowledge can achieved from curriculum by following it.But the hands on experience on the subject can be gained only through the extracurricular activities. So, students should take some responsibility to participate in extracurricular activities. The advantages of extracurricular activities are students can get more personal experience by involving in these activities and gain more knowledge when compared to the knowledge obtained from theoretical concepts or curriculum. The student who involves in extracurricular activities can easily survive in the professional world while the student who only dependant on curriculum face some difficulties like unable to make a right decision at right time, communication with peers and also face difficulty in implementation of concepts . In this paper we collect bot h the data from the students who involved in extracurricular activities and the data collected from academic curriculum of students in a semester. This paper proposes that how extracurricular activities support the overall growth of student by using computational intelligence. I like the idea of determining relationship using mamdani model. I would like toShow MoreRelated_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words   |  1422 Pagesstorage and retrieval systems, or in any other manner—without the written permission of the publisher. Thomson Higher Education 10 Davis Drive Belmont, CA 94002-3098 USA For more information about our products, contact us at: Thomson Learning Academic Resource Center 1-800-423-0563 For permission to use material from this text or product, submit a request online at http://www.thomsonrights.com. Any additional questions about permissions can be submitted by e-mail to thomsonrights@thomson.com.

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